



日本経済新聞速報デジタル版「科学」(2015/6/22 1:00)によりますと、米「材料ゲノム計画」の衝撃 人工知能駆使、開発速度2倍に」との見出しで、以下のように報じています。
 マテリアルゲノムは生物のゲノム(全遺伝情報)解析を思い起こさせる米国の造語だ。00年代、コンピューターを駆使したDNA解析技術の発展が生命科学や新薬開発の・・・」<引用: http://mw.nikkei.com/sp/#!/article/DGXLZO88347560R20C15A6TJM000/ ><以下はホワイトハウスから引用: https://m.whitehouse.gov/mgi >

"About the Materials Genome Initiative

The Materials Genome Initiative* is a multi-agency initiative designed to create a new era of policy, resources, and infrastructure that support U.S. institutions in the effort to discover, manufacture, and deploy advanced materials twice as fast, at a fraction of the cost.

Advanced materials are essential to economic security and human well being, with applications in industries aimed at addressing challenges in clean energy, national security, and human welfare, yet it can take 20 or more years to move a material after initial discovery to the market. Accelerating the pace of discovery and deployment of advanced material systems will therefore be crucial to achieving global competitiveness in the 21st century.

Since the launch of MGI in 2011, the Federal government has invested over $250 million in new R&D and innovation infrastructure to anchor the use of advanced materials in existing and emerging industrial sectors in the United States. "

"Note: The Materials Genome Initiative (MGI) is a U.S. Federal government multi-stakeholder initiative to develop an infrastructure to accelerate and sustain domestic materials discovery and deployment in the United States. MGI is distinct from "Materials Genome", which is a registered trademark of MaterialsGenome, Inc. (a Pennsylvania Corporation). The use of the term "Materials Genome Initiative" is not intended to serve as an endorsement of or an association with the trademarked term "Materials Genome."