




Evolution of Junk DNAs(がらくたDNAの進化)のご案内

研究集会タイトル:Evolution of Junk DNAs(がらくたDNAの進化)
場所:国立遺伝学研究所 講堂
 ちょうど、ENCODE計画の論文に強い批判をしているヒューストン大学のDan Graur教授が北海道大学に招かれて日本に滞在されますので、この研究集会で講演をしていただきます。また、日本の研究グループで唯一ENCODE計画に加わった理化学研究所から、グループの代表である林崎良英博士にも御講演をお願いしました。このほか遺伝研の8名を含む国内の19名の分子進化研究者、総計21名が二日間にわたって講演します。遺伝研からは、太田朋子名誉教授をはじめとして、五條堀孝教授、明石裕教授、池尾一穂准教授、隅山健太助教、長田直樹助教、野澤昌文助教、および斎藤成也が講演者です。


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NIG Meeting: Evolution of Junk DNAs
Dates: Saturday, June 22nd and Sunday, June 23rd
Place: Auditorium, National Institute of Genetics, Mishima

How to get to National Institute of Genetics =
http://www.nig.ac.jp/about/map.html (in Japanese)

Anyone is welcome for attending this workshop.
All talks will be in English.
Lunchboxes (500 yen per box) on Saturday and Sunday are available upon reservation.
Dinner Party on Saturday is open to anyone. Paticipation fee is 3000 yen.
Please contact Ms Mizuguchi Masako (mmizuguc@nig.ac.jp) for reserving lunch boxes and/or dinner party.

Saturday, June 22nd
10:00 - 10:10 Opening Remarks
10:10 - 12: 10 Session 1: Drosophila (Chair: Dr. Akashi)
Dr. Akashi Hiroshi: Test for tissue-specific codon usage adaptation in Drosophila
Dr. Takahashi Aya: Genome-wide expression analyses using allelic samples from a natural population of Drosophila
Dr. Nozawa Masafumi: Evolution of microRNAs and their targets in Drosophila species
Dr. Takano Toshiyuki: Gene expression noise in the Drosophila testis

12:10 - 13:30 Lunch break

13:30 - 15:30 Session 2: Junk DNA I (Chair: Dr. Gojobori)
Dr. Gojobori Takashi: The world view of Susumu Ohno
Dr. Hayashizaki Yoshihide: Functional RNA produced from junk DNA
Dr. Ohta Tomoko: Drift, selection and epigenetics
Dr. Dan Graur: How to Assemble a Human Genome? Mix generous amounts of Junk DNA and Indifferent DNA,
add a Dollop of Functional DNA and a Sprinkling of indifferent DNA (Malicious DNA optional)

15:30 - 15:45 Tea Break

15:45 - 18:15 Session 3: Junk DNA II (Chair: Dr. Endo)
Dr. Endo Toshinori: Functional non-coding elements as the evolutionary driving force
Dr. Satta Yoko: Tempo and mode of pseudogenization in primate evolution
Dr. Hanada Kosuke: Many genes associated with morphogenesis are hidden in genomes
Dr. Sumiyama Kenta: Origins of cis-regulatory elements in "Junk Yard"
Dr. Amano Takanori: A novel Shh enhancer predicted by comparative genomics and the ENCODE data

18:30 - 20:00 Dinner Party (NIG Guest House)

Sunday, June 23rd
10:00 - 12: 30 Session 4: Genome analyses I (Chair: Dr. Imanishi)
Dr. Imanishi Tadashi: Long-range linkage disequilibrium observed in the human genome
Dr. Itoh Takeshi: Genome- and transcriptome-wide analysis of major cereal crops
Dr. Niimura Yoshihito: Expansion and contraction of the olfactory receptor universe: What determines the fate of genes?
Dr. OOta Satoshi: Chaos in evolution
Dr. Osada Naoki: Finding evidence for weak compensatory evolution

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch break

13:30 - 15:30 Session 5: Genome analyses II (Chair: Dr. Suzuki)
Dr. Suzuki Yoshiyuki: Detecting natural selection from the comparison of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions
Dr. Mano Shuhei: Modeling and Inference of complex selective mechanisms
Dr. Ikeo Kazuho: MASER: Data analysis system for NGS Sequence Data
Dr. Saitou Naruya: Sudden expansion of genome sizes in independent eukaryote lineages

15:30 - 16:00 General Discussion (Chair: Dr. Saitou)
