


2010年12月に、ウィキリークスジュリアン・アサンジ(Julian Assange)容疑者が英国で捕まり、保釈金や保釈保証金を裁判所が要求したときに、サルストン博士は彼を支持して、他の数人とともに、それぞれ15000英ポンドを払うことを約束していたようです。

He also provided bail sureties for Julian Assange, according to Mark Stephens, Julian's solicitor. Having backed Julian Assange by pledging bail in December 2010, he lost the money in June 2012 when a judge ordered it to be forfeited, as Assange had sought to escape the jurisdiction of the English courts by entering the embassy of Ecuador.

“Vaughan Smith has been told to pay £12,000, while another three – Caroline Evans, Phillip Knightley and John Sulston – must each pay £15,000. Five others – Tricia David, Joseph Farrell, Sarah Harrison, Sarah Saunders and Tracy Worcester – were ordered to pay amounts of between £3,500 and £12,000.”