


本日、遺伝研にて、サンガー研究所前所長のジョン・サルストン博士のセミナーがありました。「The People and the planet」という啓蒙的な題目のスピーチでした。

・Wednesday, October 10, 2012, 14:00 - 15:00
・Place: Seminar room - Library 3F:B301
・Speaker: Sir John Sulston (Chair of the Royal Society working group, UK)
・Title: People and the planet
- how can we all live and flourish on a finite Earth?
The People and the planet report is the result of a 21 month study by an international working group of 23 experts. The report looks at the links between global population, consumption and the environment, and the implications for sustainable development. The impact of the growing human population, and the growing consumption of resources by the richer countries, is bringing us to the limits of what the earth can sustain. It is already not feasible for all of earth's presentinhabitants to consume material resources at the rate current in the most developed countries. If we do nothing the discrepancy will increase as population increases from 7 billion at present to 10 billion or more this century. Furthermore, our descendants ought to have opportunities at least as great as those we ourselves enjoy, but if we continue in our current style they will not. Choices made now - ethical, legal, social, and scientific - will determine the future of humanity. Shall we choose to flourish, or merely survive?

The full report and its summary are available at: